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Division of Education and Counseling

Education and Counseling

Welcome to the Division of Education and Counseling! Our mission is to promote excellence in education and counseling by fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, empathy, and creativity. We believe that education and counseling are not just professions, but also lifelong journeys of discovery and transformation. So, let's embark on this journey together and explore the endless possibilities of learning and growth!

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Since 1925, when Xavier University of Louisiana was founded, it has accepted the sacred privilege and social responsibility of preparing well-qualified teachers for public and private elementary and secondary schools. The University continues to train future teachers who possess a deep sense of social and civic responsibility, who are liberally educated and who possess the philosophical principles, and the professional character essential to their vocation and career. The goal of the Division of Education and Counseling is the development of reflective professionals who are collaborative change agents toward a more just and humane society.

Multiple assessments are used in the Division to monitor candidate performance and improve operations and programs. The unit systematically collects and analyzes data at specific checkpoints through the Trac-DAT Assessment System.
The Division of Education and Counseling received reaccreditation by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) in April 2011. This signifies that the graduates have been prepared according to accepted national standards of excellence and that the programs meet high standards in areas including program design, delivery, and quality of faculty. Xavier was the first private college in Louisiana to receive this prestigious rating. NCATE is now known as the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Additionally, the Counseling program was accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) in 2015. The program was reviewed against high professional standards that assure the quality of its accountability system, its faculty, and its graduates.
News in the School

Part 1: Enhancing Emergency Preparedness with Innovative Solutions As Xavier University of Louisiana embarks on its journey to mark its first century of excellence and service, it remains steadfast in its promise to “press forward and fear nothing.” Xavier is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of its community through a series of strategic initiatives, guided by four centennial priorities, including Increasing Affordability and Access through Financial Assistance; Investing in the Well-Being and Success of the Entire Student; Matching Our Campus to Our Potential; and Recruiting and Retaining Exceptional Faculty and Expanding Academic Programs. The university wants to share its commitment to emergency preparedness by kicking off a three-part series devoted to exploring new campus improvements and highlighting safety.

Student Life

The Xavier community is deeply saddened by the passing of Sr. Grace Mary Flickinger, SBS

Faculty & Staff

Darren Rodgers Jr., director of Xavier University of Louisiana’s Golden Sound Marching Band, has been announced as a quarterfinalist for the 2025 Music Educator Award by the Recording Academy and the GRAMMY Museum. This prestigious award is given to current educators—from kindergarten through college in both public and private schools—who have made a significant and lasting contribution to the field of music education and who advocate for the ongoing inclusion of music education in schools.

Educational Leadership, Faculty & Staff, Student Life

Education and Counseling
