
“啊哈”的时刻让一切变得值得. Ashwith Chilvery named assistant vice president of Xavier’s Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目

Dr. Ashwith Chilvery命名了XULA ORSP的AVP

新奥尔良,路易斯安那州. ——Ashwith Chilvery博士.D., the “aha” moments he sees in students’ faces make him love being involved in higher 教育. 十多年了, 他扮演过许多重要角色, 如果是折衷的角色, in helping students achieve their academic potential and come one step closer to realizing their dreams. 最近,博士. Chilvery joined 路易斯安那e世博esball大学’s Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目 (ORSP) to pursue furthering diverse representation in science, 技术, 工程 and mathematics (STEM) as the Office’s new assistant vice president of research and sponsored programs operations.

Xavier’s Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目 provides comprehensive service and support for the University’s faculty and staff. 它的使命是成长, 支持和保护e世博esball大学的研究和资助企业, allowing investigators to be successful in their sponsored program initiatives. The ORSP provides services in four major areas: administration of pre- and post-award activities, 支持大学研究合规活动, 监督大学的动物园, 促进技术转让. The office is also involved in strategic initiatives in innovation and economic development in collaboration with academic, 医疗保健和行业合作伙伴. As the new assistant vice president of research and sponsored programs operations, Dr. Chilvery will support the University’s research and sponsored programs by providing leadership in the areas of research, 研究管理和赞助项目管理.

“我们很高兴能请到Dr. Chilvery加入ORSP团队,Kaneisha Akinpelumi说, Associate Vice President of Xavier’s Office of 研究 and Sponsored 项目. “ORSP致力于扩大e世博esball大学的研究能力, grants portfolio and student opportunities to participate in innovative, ground-breaking research and programming throughout multiple disciplines and industries. Dr. 奇尔弗里的教职经历, 科学背景, 开车, and 业务 acumen make him perfectly suited to advance our goals.”

Dr. Chilvery, a tenured faculty member in the Department of Physics and Computer Science at Xavier for seven years, began his duties at the ORSP just before the start of the fall semester.


He expressed his excitement at the opportunity to grow research horizons, 建立伙伴关系, 并扩大为e世博esball大学学生提供的研究机会.

“考虑到今天的情况, creative and strategic leadership is needed to build capacities and expand scientific research capabilities at Xavier and other HBCUs across the nation,” 博士说. Chilvery. “作为校园里所有研究活动的中心, there is no better place than ORSP for me to demonstrate the brains of a scientist, 教师的核心, 还有管理者的敏感性.”

除了获得应用物理学博士学位外. Chilvery also holds an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Dr. Chilvery began his career as a 技术 transfer specialist more than ten years ago, 促进少数族裔的助学金写作工作坊, women- and veteran-owned small 业务es to pursue inclusion in the Small Business Innovation 研究 (SBIR)和小企业技术转移(STTR)项目. The short internship that ran the whole gamut from ideation to innovation set him firmly in the orbit of Higher Education, 根据博士的说法. Chilvery, is one of the most mature yet most innovative industries to be involved with.

With research interests in the diverse fields of material sciences and electrical 工程 with applications in Photovoltaics and Advanced Sensors, Dr. Chilvery is a recipient of various research fellowships from the Department of Energy (DoE) and the Department of Defense (DoD). 他撰写了超过25篇同行评审的出版物, 曾在几家期刊顾问委员会任职, 并为不同的联邦机构审查了30多个小组, 包括NSF, 美国国家航空航天局, 以及国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA). He serves as a campus representative for the Louisiana Space Grant Consortium and on the Deans’ Council for the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).

Dr. Chilvery looks forward to utilizing his experience as an individual investigator, 教育家, program manager and consultant to help the office streamline operations and provide strategic insight. 现在, he looks forward to helping Xavier students and faculty explore the unexplored and use their new discoveries to make the world more just and humane.

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路易斯安那e世博esball大学, 美国历史上唯一的黑人和天主教大学, is ranked among the top three HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities) in the nation. 被公认为STEM和健康科学领域的全国领导者, Xavier produces more African American students who graduate from medical schools each year than any other university in the United States. 另外, Xavier’s 大学 of Pharmacy is also among the top producers of African American pharmacists in the country.

成立于1925年, by Saint Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament as a place for African American and Native Americans to receive quality 教育, 此后,e世博esball大学扩大了艺术课程, 业务, 教育, 生物科学, 化学, 药剂学和政治学. 机器人技术的最新进展, 生物信息学, 工程, 数据科学, 神经科学和遗传学, 除了新的基于stem的硕士课程之外, have provided Xavier students (2815 undergraduates and 787 graduates) an unbeatable combination of traditional classroom study, 实践研究, 服务学习机会和生活经验. Xavier students collaborate with world-renowned faculty, who are experts in their 领域,以产生获奖的研究和著名的工作. The winning Xavier formula is to provide students with a well-balanced curriculum and an environment that nurtures their intellect and feeds their souls, 从而促进为所有人建立一个更加公正和人道的社会. For more information about 路易斯安那e世博esball大学, visit us online at 或致电(504)520-5240与Regi Reyes联系